Omen Presents: Incarnation Read


Hello, friends! I'm Tim Krause, creator of Omen, and welcome back to Omen Presents--a between-season series featuring episode spotlights from my audio drama friends that I think you're really going to enjoy while we're busy working on Omen season two.

I've already started writing the script for episode 10 out of a projected 12. And I think I'm finally at the point in season two where a lot of the guesswork of each episode has been eliminated. That is to say, the stakes have been adequately set and the conflict has ramped up to the point where story progression feels like it's more or less on rails.

In my experience, that's actually a good thing. If you've written a long story or done worldbuilding of any kind, you probably understand the relief of reaching this point in your writing. I'm not promising that script writing will progress any faster. There's still a lot of work to do before I get to call up the cast for recording sessions. But it's nice not to have to second guess all the deviations I've made from the outline any longer.

Episode 9 ended in the middle of a tense scene where our heroes are trapped in a zombie-infested sewer. At the same time, two separate villains are preparing to execute their nefarious plans. All the while, the city everyone's in is on the brink of a huge military conflict. Now is the time when all the decisions these characters have made begin to reap the consequences they've sown--for good or for ill.

I'm really proud of the variety of storytelling in Omen season two. So far, it's been a pretty straightforward adventure plot. But now we're beginning to get into more action, with elements of romance and even horror thrown in the mix. I've actually recently taken some inspiration from one of the best indie horror podcasts out there--Incarnation Read.

Incarnation Read is a horror anthology created by writer, voice actor, and sound designer C.S.W.. The show specializes in stories of inhuman impulses, gaps between reality and nightmare, things that are seen that can't possibly be real, and my favorite part--all the horrifying sounds that accompany them. While the excellent writing initially attracted me to Incarnation Read, the sound design is what really grabbed me.

And just like Omen, Incarnation Read is also on Apollo--the free audio fiction exclusive podcasting app. By becoming a member of Apollo+, you can listen to ad-free and early access episodes from Omen, Incarnation Read, and over 40 other great audio dramas. So if you're a fan of multiple shows on Apollo, Apollo+ is definitely worth checking out.

The story we're about to hear is "Mimic"--episode 21 from season 2 of Incarnation Read. I won't spoil the premise here, but let's just say the main character is having a bit of an identity crisis. I encourage you to binge all of Incarnation Read's spine-tingling episodes on Apollo or at I'll be back soon with more Omen season two news. And until next we meet, my friends, fair winds and following seas!

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